Plafondinductierooster koofinbouw



Active chilled beams for heating and cooling with 2- or 4-pipe heat exchangers for installation in ceiling bulkheads, e.g. in hotel rooms and hospital wards in the nominal lengths of 1000, 1125 and 1250 mm

  • Preferably for room heights up to 4.00 m
  • High heating and cooling capacity with a low conditioned primary air volume flow rate and low sound power level
  • Media supply on the reverse or from the corridor side
  • Compact device dimensions oriented to the basic dimensions and 2 different widths or depths for the heat exchanger to cover different output ranges
  • Fixing points for various types of suspension systems/points
  • Combination with different control systems, e.g. X-AIRCONTROL or control air-water systems possible

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Integrated volume flow controller
  • Standard grilles from the TROX grill range
  • Various water connections, smooth CU tube, external thread G1/2" and flat seal or union nut G1/2" and flat seal
  • The supply air spigot is extendable to compensate for structural tolerances

Kühlleistung: bis 1.480 W Heizleistung: bis 1730 W

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