Olympic Stadium - Kiev (Ukraine)

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  • Description
The Olympic Stadium in Kiev will host the final match in the European Football Championship 2012.
The Arena was built in Kiev back in 1914. Owing to the 1st World War, construction and the opening were repeatedly delayed, with the opening coming only in 1948. In the run-up to the EURO 2012, the stadium was completely refurbished. 
On 8 October 2011, it was officially inaugurated eight months before the start of the tournament. On 11. November 2011, the first international since the reopening was played between Ukraine and Germany, which ended in a 3-all draw.
EURO 2012 matches:
3 group matches
1 quarter final
Facts at a glance:
Capacity: 70,050
Completion after redevelopment: 2011
TROX contribution:
Shut-off dampers
Grilles and ceiling diffusers
External louvres
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